More customization with the new Steenwijkerland minimum policy
From 1 January 2022 there will be new schemes for residents with a low income. The schemes are part of the updated minimum policy that the municipality will be working with.
Alderman Trijn Jongman: “We want to be able to help residents who are experiencing financial difficulties and are at risk of getting into trouble as a result, quickly and effectively. What help is needed differs per situation. That is why we want to be able to provide custom solutions. Our renewed minimum wage policy offers all kinds of tools for this.”
The new regulations can be found on the municipal website and can be applied for from 1 January 2022.
New in the minimum income policy is, among other things, the Adult Fund, which will replace the previous scheme for 'social cultural activities'. The fund offers residents from the age of 18 the opportunity to participate in sporting and/or cultural activities, such as music lessons, a gym or membership of a football club.
From March 1, 2022, the municipality will also join Sam & Overijssel . Alderman Trijn Jongman: “It contains all kinds of regulations that are in place to give children the opportunity to participate in activities. Think of sports, dance, drama, swimming lessons and also reimbursements for school costs. With Sam & Overijssel we will soon have one entrance for all those schemes. That is so clear.”
More customization in help and support
A new instrument within the minimum income policy is also the Custom Budget . Alderman Trijn Jongman: “You can see it as an emergency fund that you cannot apply for, but that our consultants can use as a one-off reimbursement of necessary costs to prevent someone from getting serious financial problems. They look at whether this is necessary for each situation and in this way they can offer real customization.”
Giving residents the opportunity to participate
The updated minimum income policy is aimed at preventing residents from having money worries. For example, there is more room for people who do not have the financial means to obtain a remission of municipal taxes. The financial arrangements for healthcare costs have also been expanded. In addition to collective health insurance, residents with a low income can also receive reimbursement for additional health insurance of their choice from next year.
Alderman Trijn Jongman: “All in all, I think that the new minimum wage policy fits in well with what we want: to give everyone the opportunity to participate in society. If that is not possible for financial reasons, we want to provide the help and support that is needed. We offer that safety net.”
Source: De Kop, newspaper van Steenwijkerland, Dec 2021
What is: The FacilitiesWiser
The ProvisionsWijzer helps to combat poverty and problematic debts by allowing people to make use of available provisions.
The Facilities Guide helps to increase purchasing power. In the Netherlands, approximately 600,000 households live on a low income. They can significantly improve their purchasing power by making conscious choices and making better use of available facilities.
How does the Facilities Guide work?
- An experienced consultant comes to people's homes by appointment.
- Together with the participant, the consultant will go through all the relevant questions from The FacilitiesWijzer.
- The consultant immediately arranges the desired application or ensures a warm transfer.
In other words; There is:
- Personal contact
- Benefits immediately visible
- Practical help
The ProvisionsWijzer contributes to combating poverty and preventing debt problems. Wise choices with regard to available facilities reduce risks and ensure that people get their basics in order. The benefit to be gained is on average about €500 per household, per year.
In practice this looks like this:
- 74% do not have an appropriate health insurance policy
. A consultant from De AvailabilityWijzer looks at the cover requirements and the family situation together with the participant. Based on this, the consultant advises the most appropriate health insurance. The consultant helps (if possible) immediately with the switch or ensures that contact is again made at the end of the year for help with the switch.
- 97% make no or insufficient use of municipal facilities and minimum schemes.
A consultant from De FacilitiesWijzer shows which minimum schemes a participant can make use of. This depends on the family situation. For example: age of children, etc. The consultant ensures a warm transfer to a social partner for help in applying for these schemes.
- 7% do not know that they are eligible for allowances
. A consultant from De FacilitiesWijzer assesses whether participants are eligible for relevant allowances. The consultant applies for missing supplements (if possible) immediately.
- 21% do not know that they are eligible for a tax refund
. A consultant from De RuimteWijzer examines whether it is wise to file a tax return. If this proves useful, support is organized for help with the declaration.
- 31% qualifies for a cheaper energy bill
. A consultant from De FacilitiesWijzer looks at the most suitable energy supplier together with the participant. This does not only look at the cheapest solution, but also takes into account the personal situation of the household. The consultant helps (if desired) directly with the
switch to a new supplier.
Help and activities clearly arranged online at

Together with the municipality of Zwartewaterland and other social organizations we are working on On this website you will find information about, for example, sports & exercise, culture, music, volunteer work & informal care. But also information about, for example, staying healthy, work, money and benefits can be found on this webpage. And did you know that there are many fun activities in the municipality? On you will find an up-to-date overview.
livability plans (also known as the social map) is the result of the four quality of life plans that the municipality and residents of Hasselt, Genemuiden, Zwartsluis and the countryside previously made together. In addition, residents indicated that they need an overview of what there is to experience in their place and area. “The social map is now meeting this requirement,” says alderman Knol. “It is a means of bringing together demand from residents and special target groups and the range of assistance and activities on offer. That is also the purpose of the website: to provide information and to stimulate meeting and connection.”
looking after each other
On there is also a digital hotline for socially undesirable situations, where people are in a pinch. Think loneliness. We call on everyone to be alert. If you are concerned about someone, please report this via this hotline. The reporting center will get to work on this and provide a suitable solution. In this way we ensure that we look after each other in Zwartewaterland. ( )
Support with money matters (information municipality of Steenwijkerland)
Need help?
The municipality of Steenwijkerland believes it is important that people handle their money consciously. The municipality has therefore joined the “Starting Point Money Matters”. The Money Matters Starting Point offers a foothold through which debts can be prevented.
Payment problems and debts often arise from unconscious actions. And due to ignorance of the consequences of this action.
For all households
Residents of the municipality of Steenwijkerland can obtain advice at any time via “Startpunt Geldzaken”. This “Starting Point Money Matters” is available for all households in different compositions, income groups and circumstances.
There are 5 money plans available; oa
- Get out of money worries, - Make ends meet, - Get by with children.
- Better get around,
- Getting around with kids.
The money plans can be found at:
But you can also contact the IGSD Steenwijkerland for help via:
* Phone 0521-538996
* Mail
* Walk-in consultation every Wednesday from 9.00-12.00 (without appointment)
The walk-in consultation hour is intended for short advice. If more time is needed, a follow-up appointment will be made with you.
Reimbursements at the minimum policy (information municipality of Steenwijkerland)
Are you a resident of the municipality of Steenwijkerland and do you have a low income?
Then you may be able to make use of schemes from the minimum policy.
Would you like to know more about the content and conditions?
Then take a look at and then click on minimum policy.
Here you will find information and the application form.
You can of course also contact the IGSD by telephone on 0521-538980.
Do you live in the municipality of Zwartewaterland?
Then you can also view “Starting point Money Matters”. For this you go to
Then click on Social Domain.
If you click on Debt Assistance on the left, you can read what you can do if you need help.
If you click on Work and income, you will see the special schemes here.
Do you prefer personal contact?
* Every Wednesday morning from 09.00-11.00 you are most welcome for the walk-in consultation hour 'Finance in order'. Location: town hall in Hasselt. You can report to the reception.
* For further information, you can also contact De Kern social services;
*phone 038-4569700
* Do you have questions? Call the town hall on workdays between 09:00 and 10:00 on telephone number 14 038 and ask for one of the Special Assistance consultants.