Huurdersvereniging Zwartewaterwiede

Home exchange

On the website of Wetland Wonen you can read the text below about home exchange.

Home exchange

By home exchange we mean that two households exchange homes. You are supposed to look for an exchange partner yourself. We do not mediate in home exchange.

  1. Read the conditions for home exchange
    We set a number of conditions for home exchange. Please read the conditions below carefully before submitting the application to us.

Home exchange conditions

  • The occupant of the house to be vacated must have been our customer for at least one year;
  • The annual income of the new resident may not exceed the income limit for a social rental home;
  • Neither resident may have rent arrears or other outstanding items;
  • We must give permission;
  • It must be a suitable home;
  • The income of the person moving into our home must be appropriate in relation to the rent. We test this against the rules of Appropriate allocation. The rent of the house can change when you move. We recommend that you ask us in advance whether this also applies to the home(s) with which you are exchanging;
  • The house must be suitable for the number of people who will live in it;
  • Homes for special target groups, such as homes for the elderly, may not be occupied by others.
  • The house must be in good condition. Our supervisor assesses this;
  • If it concerns a home from another landlord, then that landlord must have given permission for this home exchange by letter or e-mail.


Administration costs for home exchange
We charge € 35 per applicant for administration costs. Only after we have received this amount will we process the request for a home exchange


  1. Home exchange inspection
    We are going to inspect our home(s). During this inspection we look at which things need to be restored to their original state.

We also look at which items can be offered for acquisition. We write this down in a recording report. This report must be signed by both applicants.


  1. Signing home exchange
    Do we agree with the home exchange?

Then we invite you both to sign the rental agreement. The first rental period must be paid by debit card at our office.


  1. Request
    a home exchange Applicant and exchange partner fill in a form online and send it to Wetland Wonen.
