Huurdersvereniging Zwartewaterwiede

Information from Wetland Wonen

Wetland Wonen has the following information on its website

Rent reduction

Tenants with a low income and a basic rent of more than € 577.91 per month can receive a one-off rent reduction. The basic rent will then be reduced to €577.91 per month (that is the rent without service costs). We are happy to explain how this rent reduction works.


The rent reduction in short

To qualify for the one-off rent reduction, you must meet a few conditions. These conditions are determined by law.

You can request a rent reduction from us until December 30, 2024.


When does the rent reduction take effect?

If you request the rent reduction yourself, you will hear from us within three weeks whether we will reduce your rent or not. If your application meets all the conditions, we will send you a proposal for a rent reduction. It states when we will reduce your rent. The rent reduction does not apply retroactively.

The effective date of the rent reduction may not be later than the 1st day of the 2nd month after the day on which the rent reduction proposal was sent. E.g.

· on August 1, you ask for a rent reduction.

· We will present a rent reduction proposal no later than August 21.

· the rent reduction will take effect no later than October 1.


Will my housing benefit also decrease?

Which can. But the rent reduction is always higher than the decrease in housing allowance. So rent reduction is definitely worth it. You pass on the rent reduction to the Tax Authorities.

Source: www.wetland