Huurdersvereniging Zwartewaterwiede

Annual report 2020

The board

On 01-01-2020, the board consists of 8 board members and 1 aspiring board member. At the members' meeting of October 7, 2020, she was appointed as a board member and took on the task of treasurer. On 31-12-2020 our board consisted of 9 board members.


At the beginning of 2020, the number of members was 1067.
In 2020 we were able to welcome a total of 67 new members. 9 members have moved within the working area of ​​Wetland Wonen and have remained members. 70 members have moved (with or without notification to the tenants' association) or membership has ended due to: death, departure to a care home or departure elsewhere.
People often forget to announce that they have moved.
But it is also regularly forgotten to inform us that a home has been purchased through the WWG Fine Buying project.
It would be very nice if you would let us know in good time.
Total number of members as at 31-12-2020 is 1064.
A number of times a year we receive the lists from WWG to be able to compare them with our lists with regard to membership of the tenants' association. This way we can keep track of who is a member.
Membership of the tenants' association is linked to the home and not to the person. So when you move house, your membership of the tenants' association will automatically expire.

In 2020, WWG sold 12 homes.


The chairman and secretary had 10 informal consultations with the director in 2020.
As a daily board, we have met 5 times. As a general board, we have met 8 times. As a daily board, we met once with the 2 members of the Supervisory Board, who represent us at Wetland Wonen on the Supervisory Board.
Normally we do that 2 x a year with the entire board, but due to the corona measures, in 2020 it was only 1 x with the daily board.
As the general board, we have met 1 x with the management of WWG, due to the corona measures digitally via Teams.
We only had 1x operational consultation in 2020 due to the departure of Mr. J. Dekker and the outbreak of Corona.
Contact persons of the complexes have monthly consultations with Mr. Source regarding the complexes. That was also not always possible in 2020 due to corona measures.
By complexes we mean: the Vierhoek in Blokzijl, the Perelaar in Wanneperveen, Nieuw Clarenberg, De Steynen Vuist (there is no residents' committee here because the complex is too small for that) and t Westerholt in Vollenhove, Gasthuysland, de Beukenhof and Kastanjehof in Hasselt, De Cingelhof, the Klampe and the Kraggehof in Zwartsluis, Zonnewiede in Giethoorn, Weidegreven and the Meente in Genemuiden, the Ahornhof in Zwolle and De Landerijen in Oldemarkt.
The contact persons have had a total of 7 meetings with Mr. Source. Every year, each residents' committee meets twice (in spring and autumn) together with WWG and the contact person of the complex. Due to the corona outbreak and the related measures, there were only 13 meetings out of a total of 30 meetings.


We spoke with WWG about their 2019 annual report/accounts and about the annual plan and budget for 2020.


We have advised WWG on rent policy and rent increases. What we have achieved is that Wetland Wonen has not asked for the maximum allowed for the rent increase, but the 2.4% inflation.


The renewed social statute was signed in 2020 by the director of WWG Mr. MM Timmerman and our chairman Mrs. M. de Boer-Nijhuis


In 2020, our advice was requested regarding the acquisition of 54 homes in Zwolle from the Mooiland housing corporation as of 01-01-2021. Due to the corona measures, no information evenings were held. However, we have introduced ourselves in writing to these tenants by means of our information brochure and the Christmas edition of our association magazine Wetensworthheden.


We have received an explanation from WWG about maintenance work on homes and about the period in which this implementation is planned. The ownership of the northern cores has yet to be made clear.

In 2020 we visited the provincial meeting digitally in November via Zoom. We will then include the information that is important for our tenants in the next edition of our association magazine.

HVZ held 1 general meeting of members in 2020. In the second part of this members' meeting we had invited Mrs Irma van Beek as speaker. Irma van Beek, social ombudswoman, talked about her work.
The visitors of the meeting and the board were very satisfied with this.
There was a good turnout of members.


Courses and symposium
The new treasurer has attended 5 online meetings regarding public housing.
Together with some employees of WWG, we followed the service costs course of the Woonbond.
There has also been consultation with WWG on drawing up a quality of life plan with various authorities. This plan is further elaborated by WWG.


WWG was again visited in 2020. This happens once every 4 years. The HVZ will then also be heard by the assessment panel.


Performance agreements
The tenants' association is a fully-fledged discussion partner in the performance agreements with Wetland Wonen and the municipalities of Zwartewaterland, Steenwijkerland and Zwolle.
The performance agreements, annual installment 2019, with the municipalities were evaluated in March/April 2020. Agreements that have not yet been finalized will be further elaborated and implemented in 2020. And in the final months of 2020, the annual installment for 2021 was drawn up in which the current agreements will be further adjusted and elaborated. This 2020 annual installment was signed again by all parties in December 2020. For this, 5 meetings were attended or digitally attended by two people and 1 meeting was attended by three people.

In 2020 we said goodbye to 3 employees of WWG. To know: mr. J. Jonkman, mr. H. Laarman and mr. B. Source.
with mr. B. Source we had a lot to do with. He was the direct contact for us at WWG.


The tenant newspaper
We ensure that a tenant newspaper is published 4 times a year with information for our members. Of those 4 times, 1 newspaper goes to all tenants of WWG and that is the Christmas edition.
The tenants' newspaper is also sent to all political parties for which we have an address.


Other matters
The members of the tenants' association received the Rent Guide at the beginning of April 2020 with an explanation of the rent increase as of 01-07-2020.
The Huurwijzer is a publication of the Dutch Housing Association, to which we are affiliated as a tenants' association.
When we receive the Huurwijzer, we always have a number of copies left. These are then used to recruit new members.


We have also mediated between tenant and landlord for some tenants in order to arrive at an acceptable solution.
We gave 28x oral advice to tenants who had problems with WWG and 8x written advice.
Advice on maintenance that has not been carried out correctly, delivery of the house, acceptance of the house, moisture problems, etc.

You can also visit our website Here you will find current information regarding the rent allowance and other matters. And here you will see, among other things, the annual reports, performance agreements and the addresses of the board members.



Approved on 09-06-2021 in Zwolle

The chairman, M. de Boer-Nijhuis

The secretary, G. Driegen-Ziel