Huurdersvereniging Zwartewaterwiede

Annual Report 2023

The board 

On 01-01-2023, the board consists of 9 board members and 1 prospective board member. She has been appointed as a board member at the meeting of April 5, 2023. 

On December 31, 2023, our board consists of 10 board members. 



At the beginning of 2023, the number of members was 1070. 

In 2023 we could welcome a total of 69 new members. 10 members have moved within the working area of ​​Wetland Wonen and remained members. 59 members have moved (with or without notification to the tenants' association) or membership has stopped due to: death, departure to a nursing home or departure to elsewhere.  

People often forget to report that they have moved.  

But people also regularly forget to inform us that they have purchased a home through the Wetland Wonen “Fijn Kopen” project. 

It would be very nice if they would let us know in a timely manner. 

Total number of members as of December 31, 2023 is 1080. 

Several times a year we receive the lists from Wetland Wonen to compare them with our lists regarding membership of the tenants' association. This way we can keep track of who is a member. 

Membership of the tenants' association is linked to the home and not to the person. So when you move, your membership of the tenants' association automatically expires. 


In 2023, Wetland Wonen will have sold 8 social rental properties. 



The chairman and secretary had 10 informal consultations with the director in 2023. 

The chairman and the secretary had six operational consultations with Mrs. C. Vennink. 


As the general board, we met twice with the management of Wetland Wonen. 


As an executive board, we met 4 times. As a general board we have met 12 times. As a general board, we have met twice with the 2 members of the Supervisory Board who represent us at Wetland Wonen in the Supervisory Board.    


Contact persons of the complexes and the chairman meet with the area directors twice a year. Namely: Mr A. van der Weide and Mr. E. Jonk. 

In addition, the contact persons meet twice a year with the residents' committees of the complexes. Once in the spring and once in the fall. 

By complexes we mean: De Vierhoek in Blokzijl; De Perelaar in Wanneperveen; Nieuw Clarenberg, De Steinen Vuyst (there is no residents' committee here because the complex is too small for that) and 't Westerholt in Vollenhove; Gasthuysland, de Beukenhof and Kastanjehof in Hasselt; de Cingelhof, de Klampe and de Kraggehof in Zwartsluis; Zonnewiede in Giethoorn; Weidegreven and de Meente in Genemuiden; the Ahornhof, Wolthuismarke and de Backermarke in Zwolle; de Estates in Oldemarkt; de Vesting and de Sluisweg in Steenwijk. 


In April 2023, a meeting for all residents' committees was held at Het Zwartewater hotel in Zwartsluis. This was about the service costs. 

The committees that were present thought it was a great success. 


We spoke with Wetland Wonen about their 2022 annual report/accounts and the annual plan and budget for 2023. 


We have provided advice to Wetland Wonen regarding rental policy and rent increases.  

The homes with an E, F and G label have not had a rent increase in 2023. 

The rent increase was on average 2.4%. 


We have received an explanation from Wetland Wonen regarding maintenance work on homes and the period in which this will take place. 


We work together with other tenant organizations (NoWoZo) on the regional housing distribution system. We do this with the support of consultants from the Woonbond, namely Mrs. M. Hilbolling and Mr. M. Groen. 

We will then include the information that is important for our tenants in the next edition of our association magazine.  


HVZ held one general annual meeting in 2023. 

At this annual meeting, Mrs. M. Knol from St. Jansklooster appointed as board member. 

In the second part of this annual meeting, policy staff from Wetland Wonen provided an explanation regarding the installation of the solar panels. 

There was a good turnout of members. 


Courses and symposium 

As a board, we have followed a number of webinars (online lectures) from the Woonbond on various topics, such as: 

effective meetings, energy labels, good landlordism, public housing, rent prices and rent adjustment, rental policy, role of residents' committee in renovation, local performance agreements, quality of life, housing for the elderly, service costs, paperwork, articles of association and GDPR, Budget Day, affordable rent, residential care vision, tenant association work plan, sustainability of housing association housing.  


Performance agreements 

The tenants' association is a full discussion partner in the performance agreements with Wetland Wonen and the municipalities of Zwartewaterland, Steenwijkerland and Zwolle. 

The performance agreements, annual installment 2022, with the municipalities have been evaluated. Agreements that had not yet been completed have been further developed and implemented in 2023. In the second half of 2023, new multi-year agreements were made with the municipality of Steenwijkerland for the period 2023-2027. Based on these new agreements, the annual budget for 2024 was drawn up in 2023, in which the current agreements will be further adjusted and elaborated. For this purpose, four meetings were attended by two people.   

The multi-year agreements for Zwartewaterland cover the period 2022-2024. The 2024 annual installment for the municipality of Zwartewaterland was signed in December 2023. In 2023, four meetings were also attended by three people for the performance agreements with the municipality of Zwartewaterland.  

We are not yet involved in the performance agreements at the municipality of Zwolle because Wetland Wonen does not yet have that many rental properties there.  

The Municipality of Zwolle and Wetland Wonen have established multi-year performance agreements for the period 2024-2027. As a tenants' association, we were involved in this through the consultations that two people from HVZ held with Wetland Wonen. 


The tenant newspaper 

We ensure that a tenant newspaper is published 4 times a year with information for our members. Of those 4 times, a newspaper is sent to all tenants of Wetland Wonen once and that is the Christmas edition. 

The tenant newspaper also goes to all factions of the political parties for which we have an address.  



Wetland Wonen took over homes from Omnia Wonen in 2023. To get to know the new tenants, Wetland Wonen has organized introductory meetings. During these meetings we also had the opportunity to introduce ourselves as a tenants' association. 

These evenings were on July 5 and 6 in Steenwijk, on September 6 in Oldemarkt and on  

September 7 in Eesveen. 



The members of the tenants' association received the Rent Guide at the beginning of April 2023 with an explanation of the rent increase as of 01-07-2023. 

The Rent Guide is a publication of the Dutch Housing Association, to which we are a member as a tenants' association. 

When we receive the Rental Guide, we always have a number of copies left. These are then used to recruit new members. 


We have also mediated between tenant and landlord for some tenants to arrive at an acceptable solution.  

We have provided 48 oral advice to tenants who had questions or problems with Wetland Wonen and 28 x written advice. 

Advice on maintenance that has not been carried out correctly, delivery of the home, acceptance of the home, moisture problems, etc. 



You can also visit our website . Here you will find current information regarding housing allowance and other matters. And here you will see, among other things, the annual reports, performance agreements and the addresses of the board members. 


Approved on 3-04-2024 in Steenwijk 


The chairman, M. de Boer-Nijhuis 


The secretary, G. Driegen-Ziel