Huurdersvereniging Zwartewaterwiede

Welcome to the Zwartewaterwiede Tenants' Association

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION!  ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Phishing mail (fake message) about extension of registration on De Woningzoeker Recently,

home seekers have also been confronted with phishing mail or fake messages.

Have you received a message from De Woningzoeker about extending your registration? Then this could be a fake message (phishing mail). Are you in doubt? Log in to and check your registration date.

Or contact Wetland Wonen. Sources:


What are we doing? The Zwartewaterwiede tenants' association represents the interests of tenants. We are there for the tenant of Wetland Wonen

Can I do something about the rent increase? Which homes are being renovated? Can the service costs also be adjusted? Those are questions you may have. And what the tenants' association ''Zwartewaterwiede'' is also involved in. We are committed to advising tenants in their contacts with Wetland Wonen. We also help with conflicts. Finally, as a tenant of Wetland Wonen, we provide you with information about practical matters. Affordable rents, additional costs, complaints about home maintenance, tenants' rights and obligations and sufficient rental housing: the Zwartewaterwiede Tenants' Association represents these interests of tenants and home seekers. We also constantly bring these topics to the attention of landlord Wetland Wonen and the municipalities of Steenwijkerland and Zwartewaterland. We are a full partner for making performance agreements with Wetland Wonen.



The tenants' association ''Zwartewaterwiede'' is an independent, independent association of tenants in Blokzijl, Vollenhove, Sint Jansklooster, Steenwijk, Belt Schutsloot, Giethoorn, Wanneperveen, Zwartsluis, Genemuiden, Hasselt, Zwolle, Kuinre, Oldemarkt, Eesveen, Scheerwolde and Willemsoord. The board consists of volunteers and represents more than 3000 tenants. The Tenants' Association currently has 1200 members.


Clear agreements, advice and consultation

Wetland Wonen must inform the Tenants' Association in good time about the (policy) plans. The Tenants' Association provides solicited and unsolicited advice on this. Clear agreements have been made about all these matters, which are laid down in a number of documents. Consultations take place regularly:

- With the director on policy matters. Topics covered here laid down in a ''cooperation agreement''.

- With the customer and real estate manager of Wetland Wonen about executive matters such as maintenance of the homes and complaint handling. These subjects are laid down in a 'Social Charter for Neighborhood Renewals''.

- With the supervisory board of Wetland Wonen. We exchange ideas with them and opinions.



The board members of the Tenants' Association are equal discussion partners and are therefore well informed about matters related to the housing market and in particular the social rental sector. They do this by reading professional literature, following courses, and attending umbrella meetings of, for example, the Woonbond. Of course they will listen to you as a tenant.